Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Little Changes; Big Impact 

When some people think about changing to a greener lifestyle they think an overhaul of they're current one is the only(and expensive) way to go about it.  Well this blog will show you various ways that you can change your lifestyle by making little changes that can make a huge impact on your health, finances and our planet!
Did you know that the energy saved from one recycled aluminum can will operate a television for three hours? Imagine the impact of just starting to recycle them!

Electricity bill a bit high? Try adding a few dryer balls to your load! They cut your drying time, reduce static and soften your clothing, eliminating your need for dryer sheets.  Now you don't have to worry about the chemicals that come on the dryer sheets and you save money not having to buy them and from reducing your drying time!  Not to mention the way that helps our lovely planet Earth as well!
Did you know that 60% of what we put on our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream? Scary, huh?  Imagine the impact changing one product at a time, as you need it, would make on your health!  Look for natural and organic ingredients.  If you are like most people and can't understand what the heck your products is made out of (even the organic ingredients are hard to decipher sometimes) the Environmental Working Group is a great resource, search for the product and get your answer, from an organization you can trust.

Green Colored Glasses is a blog partnered with Party Green Home Parties.  Party Green is committed to bringing you natural, eco-friendly, safe and American made products you can trust!  This blog will feature green tips, news, products reviews and more!  Tell us what you would like see!

Interested in having some of the best eco-friendly products brought to your home to try before you buy? Host a Party Green Home Party, you can even earn free products! Contact us here.